Static View


Transition can be excessively stressful, especially for the indecisive.

In the past, I would often become consumed by the thoughts about the distance between where I am and all the places I’d rather be. My inner voice would become more of a distorted tone of frustration and passivity — constantly ruminating on the cost of my every move.

Endless rumination creates an irrational amount of tension with nothing to show for it. It’s exhausting.. and while sleep may seem to be a relief, no matter how much you get, you can never wake up feeling well-rested. You just feel “blurry”... dull, stiff — static. This is a kind of headspace that many of us fall into during transitional periods.

How can we protect ourselves from this funk? Develop momentum.

Stay invested in your interests! — They’re yours, so own ‘em, feed ‘em.

Organize your activity. — Because time management = stress management.

Get out & create.

We find ourselves in that static stew when our lives lack, or lose a certain momentum and/or motivation. We’ve all been there.. when we’re just not feeling very grateful for the experience we’re having nor excited about what it will bring. Therefore, most of our movement becomes unwilling and unenthusiastic.

Life’s all about investing in what helps you move freely — connecting with what really moves you. Without clarity of what that is, we struggle to form and internalize effective intentions that are to act as guidelines for our efforts.

Listen, intent is key. Establishing our own allows us to organize our activity and tune our focus to building the momentum that keeps us connected. So give yourself the advantage. — Spell them out, write them down, establish what they are (not for forever, just for now), and follow through.
Don’t treat it like you’re negotiating a contract either; you can refine and edit whenever you want in whatever way you think is gonna help you make better happen.

So start there, and stop overthinking. Just find what hums.


— T


Crossing Over


The Hum