The Hum

What does it feel like to step into your purpose?

Plenty have shared this kind of experience as being “called” — Many affirm to be called to act, to teach, to speak, to heal, to protect & serve, etc. What I’m interested in is what this “calling” really is. How do we come to know it - to trust it?

It took me 21 years to gain a real sense of direction as to what I’m meant to make of myself, but I’m not sure I did it alone. Like so many others, I believe I had help - I was called. From who or what, I cannot say. In fact, I’d rather not name it at all. However, I’m more than willing to share the experience.

In the bloom of spring in ‘18, it was the first time in a long time I had felt like I was embracing my true spirit. I was feeling lost before, but now I knew - that I was tapping into something more, something really real.

Repeatedly, I was experiencing a sensation that I’ve been trying to put into words ever since. I wasn’t always sure exactly what to make of it, but it certainly had my attention.

I’ll start by saying, it feels like a phenomenal hug. It’s like this electric breeze that comes from within and hits you at all the right angles. Though I relate it to a breeze, it gives more than a subtle sense of relief, it is this rush of energy - a charge. Always starting in the center, but then runs its way out to the end of every limb, perking up every hair from the neck down. It’s as much a psychological sensation as it is a physiological one. The easiest way for me to describe it is by comparing it to a hum, so that’s what I’ve decided to call it. The “hum” is this synergy, so to speak - this inner harmony that acts as a resonance within and throughout me and mine as though I’ve turned into this “tuning fork”.
Humming. Not vocally - but spiritually.

Suddenly in that spring semester, I had become much more active and creative. In my spare time, I was inspired to write. In the mornings, I'd go to the park to stretch & just reflect on my intentions & desires. I started reading books about myths, art, and philosophy. I was even moved to set aside time to pray & meditate. All of this was very new to me, but it was entirely authentic. It was during those activities that I'd hum the most.

I was turning away from conventional career paths in my field of study, and beginning to dream about being a speaker, an artist, an entrepreneur. I couldn’t help it, I was moved to create & expand.

Now, I should make it clear that this hum is not exactly “the call” that so many refer to. I see it as more of a symptom of connecting to it and coming into alignment with it.

“What’s it feel like to step into your purpose?” — It’s like finally realizing what the right questions are.

I was beginning to align with mine, I knew it. Which, I have come to realize is nothing more than to help others do the same. Now, each time I’m rung by this sensation, I’m reminded of the intentions that I can’t help but support - those that I’m called to embrace.

Share what’s true.

Empower the youth.

Heal the sick & wounded.

I’m on a mission to empower the minds of lives like mine. WørldMood is my foundation for doing so.

I’m blessed to have a real grasp on what it is I am meant to do with myself at such a young age — and I’m even more fortunate to wake up in a position that gives me all the necessary opportunities to carry out my calling and pursue this vision I’ve been given.

If you’re still making sense of yours, don’t overthink it. Invest what you got into what truly moves you - develop some momentum. Keep feeding those curiosities, and find what hums. If nothing else, focus on serving a cause that you see as real — one that you can’t help but respect & support. Be a part of the change you wanna see, and always have faith that what’s truly meant for your embrace is but a moment away.

Steady hummin’.


— T


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